About Us

History of the Project Management Coordination Unit (PMCU)
In the early 1990’s, the decision was taken by the Government of Barbados, under the Ministry of Health, to create a structured framework with respect to the management of solid waste which was fast becoming a critical issue for the island.
To this end, the Integrated Solid Waste Management Programme (ISWMP) was conceptualized and formulated under the Solid Waste Project Unit (SWPU) now known as the Project Management Coordination Unit (PMCU).
The Barbados Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (ISWMP)
The ISWMP was designed using the internationally proven waste management hierarchy or the 4R’s approach to facilitate the efficient and effective management of all the solid waste streams being generated for all the residents of Barbados.
The on-going ISWMP consists of key completed physical components and vital supportive non-physical components which are all integrally connected. These are:

Physical Components:
National Sanitary Landfills
Solid Waste Management Centre (as known as SBRC)
Sanitation Service Authority Collection
Local Private Recyclers

Non-Physical Components:
Necessary Institutional Strengthening
Effective Public Awareness and Education
Sound Policy Development
Economic Viability
Supportive Legislation
This website www.solid.gov.bb represents a fundamental element of the non-physical component as it represents a credible technological interface to share knowledge and information with respect to solid waste and its management in Barbados.